School of Chemical Engineering

Crystallization and Particle Technology
Systems Engineering

Claire Y. Liu, Ph.D.
Graduate Research Assistant

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Project Description

Traditionally pharmaceutical manufacturing operations are carried out in batch mode which can result in batch-to-batch variations, high cost and difficult scale-up. With the introduction of quality-by-design, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urge the industry to modernize its manufacturing sector by improving the understanding, monitoring and optimization of the manufacturing processes giving rise to the continuous manufacturing (CM) trend. The bottle neck of end-to-end CM lies in the crystallization step. Crystallization is a popular purification and isolation technique to obtain solid state active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). If well controlled, it extracts uniform crystalline API particles for further downstream processing to make tablets or capsules. Its complexity lies in controlling crystal properties such as size, shape and structure. Continuous crystallization can produce particles of increased uniformity which improves the efficiency and consistency downstream operations and final drug performance in the body. Selecting an appropriate crystallizer system is essential for a successful continuous crystallization process. My work focuses on studying different crystallization platforms, including traditional stirred tank and innovative oscillatory systems


  • ORISE Fellow, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD 03/2018-08/2018 Development, verification and validation of API crystallization
